While I don’t think what I say here is particularly important, if you’re interested, here’s a bit about me.

A trait that is so deeply fused into my being, of my ‘essence’ is my passion for photography. The first memory I have of it is of my grandad fixing a camera and him letting me “fix” it too, then taking pictures afterwards. I was young, like maybe 5 or 6 years old, but man I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember thinking it was a magic trick. You just push the button and then the pictures are in the photo album! (lol yes that’s what I thought) I remember my parents giving me a small pink 110 film camera a year or two later, probably because I wouldn’t shut up about wanting one. Thank you Mom & Dad! I walked to places and took pictures, I rode my bike to places and took pictures. I even took pictures while walking and riding my bike! I took pictures of any and everything, of any and everyone. I always have.

In high school I took a couple years of photography and I got to see the “magic trick” happen…in the dark room. And that was it, I was hooked, forever. In the early 2000’s I learned that my walking and taking photos actually has a name- Street Photography. While I do not consider myself a street photographer, or hell even a photographer, I do know that I gravitate towards the gritty, raw nature of life, the interplay between humans and their surroundings…The soul and spirit of a city.

Through photography, I’ve learned to see the world in a different way. I’ve learned to appreciate the little things in life and to find beauty in unexpected places. It’s taught me to be patient, observant, and curious, and it’s been a journey of discovery that has filled me with joy and wonder. At the end of the day, photography is more than just a hobby for me, it’s my vibe—it’s as magical as it is mysterious, it’s where I find solace, where I find beauty in the mundane, where I find the will to get up and walk even when it hurts, it’s my therapy on so many levels. It’s my way of life.

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